NEWTREE — The Pioneer in Healthy Beauty
We deliver the nature to our daily life in scientific ways for inner healthy beauty.
Knowing that the real beauty comes from healthy body, NEWTREE has been working hard to deliver inner health and beauty for years.
NEWTREE Laboratory
We continue innovative R&D projects to develop technology that delivers the best products for true inner beauty.
Brand & Products
NEWTREE’s new products are made with natural ingredients and our proprietary technologies to deliver true beauty.
NEWTREE’s Proprietary Ingredients
We introduce original healthy and beauty products with the ingredients developed by continuous investment and research.
PANDORADIEFingerroot Extract Powder
A new multi-purpose material for diet and beauty
After researching and screening over 1,000 different plants from more than 18,000 islands in Indonesia for more than a decade, we have developed fingerroot extract powder.
EVERCOLLAGENLow Molecular Collagen Peptide
Optimized for skin absorption and penetration
Unlike conventional collagen, which is difficult to penetrate and be absorbed by the skin, low molecular collagen peptides can deliver collagen to the skin with a size as small as 1/10,000th of a human hair.
HELICOLESSLicorice Extract
Suppresses helicobacter proliferation as a multi-purpose stomach health agent
The special ingredient (licorice extract) found in licorice suppresses the growth of helicobacter in the gastric mucous membranes and protects the membranes to keep the stomach healthy.
Gelidium elegansCeylon Moss
Reduces body fat and improves blood sugar level
Ceylon moss, harvested from the sea, is proved to be effective in reducing body fat and improving blood sugar level control and insulin resistance according to the study on a human body conducted by Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong in 2017.
Aster spathulifoliusAster Spathulifolius
Reduces body fat, visceral fat, and subcutaneous fat
When Aster spathulifolius extract, which includes the chlorogenic acid extracted from the herbaceous perennial in the Aster family, is ingested for 12 weeks, lipogenesis is suppressed and lipolysis is accelerated, resulting in weight loss.
Stay up to date with NEWTREE News.
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