Fingerroot Extract Powder


Known for its dietary and anti-aging properties,
NEWTREE exclusively owns the rights to the powdered extract of the edible plant, boesenbergia pandurata.

These properties are proven with animal experiments and clinical tests. Their mechanisms are also discovered.
PANDORADIET™ is 100% safe product that boasts high water solubility and stability against heat and acid, which can be utilized in various forms, such as beverages, tablets, capsules, and granules.

Boesenbergia Pandurata

  • Boesenbergia pandurata is an edible plant in the Zingiberaceae family, naturally found and cultivated in Southeast Asia. We screened more than 1,000 herbs over a decade and found out that the boesenbergia pandurata extract has both dietary and anti-aging properties.

Standardization of PANDORADIET™

PANDORADIET™ has been standardized to contain more than 3.52% of Panduratin A, the marker compound.


Acute oral toxicity test

Injecting more than 2,000 mg/kg b.w. of LD50 to male and female mice

Human Clinical Studies

No side effects reported

No Mutagenicity or Genotoxicity

  • Negative chromosomal aberration test result
  • Ames bacterial reverse mutation assay
    : No potential mutations observed
  • Negative micronucleus test result.

The solid stability of boesenbergia pandurata

  • The root or rhizome of boesenbergia pandurata is listed as food in CODEX
  • Listed as an edible plant in the 34th Session, Geneva, Switzerland, 4-9 JULY 2011, HS 3322 USDA Plant Database

Efficacy of PANDORADIET™

Weight loss: Helps losing weight and body fat

After 12 weeks, the group that took PANDORADIET™ lost 182% more body weight, 197% more BMI, and 136% more total fat compared to the control group that didn’t take PANDORADIET™

Source: Body fat -12 weeks/average men and women in their 40s/150 Korean subjects/men and women with the average weight of 71.9 kg/report of a human clinical test using fingerroot extract powder/Inje University Seoul Paik Hospital/2012
* The human clinical test result may not be uniformly applied to all human individuals

Anti-aging: reduced wrinkles, hydrate skin, and improve skin gloss

The group that consumed PANDORADIET™ exhibited significant improvements at every evaluation stage. After 12 weeks, there was an 82% enhancement in wrinkle reduction, a 38% increase in skin hydration, a 47% boost in skin glossiness, and a 22% improvement in skin elasticity.

Source: Skin health (hydration) – 12 weeks/average age of 40/92 Korean subjects/report of a human clinical test applying fingerroot extract powder using control groups/Dermapro Co., Ltd./2015/
* The human clinical test result may not be uniformly applied to all human individuals.

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