Licorice Extract
HELICOLESS is a licorice extract with glycyrrhizin removed
- HELICOLESS is a deglycyrrhizinated glycyrrhiza glabra extract that is proven to be effective in antibacterializing Helicobacter pylori and protecting stomach from damage with vitro testing, animal testing, and human clinical trials.
- Licorice, the main ingredient, has been traditionally used in Korea and other countries for a long time to treat conditions such as indigestion and coughing.
- Licorice, the main ingredient is listed on FDA (GRAS, 1405-86-3), Health Canada, and other sources, and products containing HELICOLESS, the ingredient in question, are currently being sold in the market. Australia: HELICOLESS is listed as an ingredient that is helpful for stomach health by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). (PI No. 107219, 2010.9)
The standardization of HELICOLESS
The safety of HELICOLESS
Oral Toxicity
- Single-dose oral toxicity test
: A dose of 5,000 mg/kg of HELICOLESS was administered to a human body and observed over a period of 14 days. The LD50 result evaluated the value to be 5,000 mg/kg, indicating that the substance is safe. - 90-day repeat dose oral toxicity
: NOAEL is evaluated as 1,000 mg/kg b.w., which means it is safe.
Genetic Toxicity
- Atavism test: No mutagens were found.
- Chromosome aberration test: No chromosome aberration were detected.
- Micronucleus test: There was no micronucleus induction.
Human Clinical Test
- There were no side effects observed after orally administering the dose.
Glycyrrhiza glabra L. is listed as an edible ingredient in the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety’s food database
HELICOLESS is recognized as a material individually recognized as safe by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.
(Recognition No. 2014-4)
The efficacy of HELICOLESS
Helps stomach health by protecting it
HELICOLESS has an effect that protects the stomach from gastric ulcer-inducing factors. This property is assumed to be derived from HELICOLESS’ antioxidant effect (high ORAC value) and anti-inflammatory effect (hinders prostagladin, thromboxane, and leukotriene that are involved with inflammatory reaction).
Stomach protection/anti-gastric ulcer and peptogenic effects
Raveendra et al, An Extract of Glycyrrhiza glabra (HELICOLESS) Alleviates Symptoms of Functional Dyspepsia
: A Randomizes, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study, ECAM, Volume 2012, Article ID 216970,0Pages
H. pylori is suppressed from being attached to the stomach
HOLICOLESS has an anti-Helicobacter pylori property. This property is assumed to be derived from HOLICOLESS’s DNA gyrase and dihydrofolate reductase toward Helicobacter pylori.
HELOCLESS’s action mechanism to suppress Helicobacter pylori
Anti-Helicobacter pylori- Anti-H. pylori effect
Puram rt al, Effect of HELICOLESS in the Management of Helicobacter pylori
: A Randomizes, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study, ECAM, Volume 2013, Article ID 263805,8Pages
HELICOLESS’s characteristics as DGL
Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL) is a licorice from which glycyrrhizin is removed (0.5% or less glycyrrhizin content), which is known to be the cause of licorice’s side-effects, such as edema, high blood pressure, and hypopotassemia. It is differentiated from existing DGL, effects, and functional ingredient content and it can have the same effect with less amount.
Category | Conventional DGL | HELICOLESS |
Flavonoid contents | Very low | > 10% |
Antioxidant effect | Very low | Very effective |
Anti-H.pylori effect | Very low | Effective |
Animal test amount | Needs high dosage | Effective in low dosage |
Clinical test amount | 1,500-3,000mg/day | 150-300mg/day |
Category | Conventional DGL | HELICOLESS |
Flavonoid contents | Very low | > 10% |
Antioxidant effect | Very low | Very effective |
Anti-H.pylori effect | Very low | Effective |
Animal test amount | Needs high dosage | Effective in low dosage |
Clinical test amount | 1,500-3,000mg/day | 150-300mg/day |
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